Come along and enjoy the fun-filled days with us!

Luma Golden Days


A  Social Club for Friends in their Golden Age


The Inspiration Behind Luma Golden Days

It all began, inspired by my aunt in Philadelphia.

For members

Find out what you’ll do at the center and how to become a member.

For caregivers

Discover how you can become a caregiver at our center and make a difference!

Crafting a perfect day for you !!

1. Phone call & Pickup

Just a quick check-in to ensure you’re ready when the bus arrives.


Our staff will meet you at your door, escort you to the vehicle, and sit behind you after securely fastening your seatbelt.


Of course, you’ll see some familiar faces!

2. Arrive at the Center​

Soon, you arrive at the center and are welcomed by another friendly staff member who guides you to your table, where a cup of tea and freshly prepared Indian snacks are ready for you.

Elderly couple practicing meditation on yoga mats in a serene park setting.

3. Talks & Daily Exercises

The staff share the daily news and engage in discussions about current events.


Soon after, the exercise class begins, and everyone joins in for the morning stretches.

4. A day full of fun + Lunch

The entire day is filled with group games, and in the afternoon, a delicious, personalized lunch is served, just the way you like it.


And of course, you’ll spot some familiar faces

5. Return Home

When you’re ready to go, you’re taken home with the same warmth and care you received at pickup.


But don’t worry, we’ll see you again soon! Your friends are always here for you.